近五年发表的论文: 1. Chen Meixia, Zhang Lei*, Xie Kun. Vibration analysis of a cylindrical shell coupled with interior structures using a hybrid analytical-numerical approach. Ocean Engineering,2018, 154: 81-93 2. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*. Wave based method for vibration analysis of double-walled cylindrical shells, Applied Acoustics, 2018.139(10): 293-306 3. 周志伟, 陈美霞. 多层次等效的Mori-Tanaka法预测含空腔点阵增强芯层的等效弹性模量. 复合材料学报, 2018,35(3) :1-10 4. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Li Zuhui. An analytic method for free and forced vibration analysis of stepped conical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 111: 126-137 5. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Zhang Lei, Xie De. Free and forced vibration analysis of non-uniformly supported cylindrical shells through wave based method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 128: 512-526 6. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Li Zuhui. Free and Forced Vibration Analysis of Ring Stiffened Conical- Cylindrical- Spherical Shells through a Semi-Analytic Method. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2017, 139, 3:031001 7. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Zhang Lei, Xie De. Wave based method for vibration analysis of elastically coupled annular plate and cylindrical shell structures. Applied Acoustics, 2017, 123: 107-122 8. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Li Zuhui. A semi-analytical method for vibration analysis of thin spherical shells with elastic boundary conditions.Journal of Viboengineering, 2017, 19(4): 2312-2330 9. 李祖荟, 陈美霞. 湍流边界层激励下平板辐射噪声数值计算方法. 中国舰船研究, 2017,12(4): 76-82 10. 关珊珊, 吴书有, 陶襄樊, 陈美霞, 曹为午. 水下双层圆柱壳辐射声场欠定分离评估方法研究. 船舶力学,2017,21(10):1309-1316 11. Lei Zhang, Meixia Chen; Kun Xie. A hybrid analytical-numerical approach for vibration analysis of cylindrical shells with internal substructures. 46rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Hong Kong,China, 2017/8/27-2017/8/30. 12. Shihui Yao, Meixia Chen, Kun Xie. Free vibration of an elastically restrained circular plate coupled with fluid. 46rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Hong Kong,China, 2017/8/27-2017/8/30. 13. Kun Xie, Meixia Chen, Lei Zhang. Vibration analysis of coupled beam and cylindrical shell structures through an analytic method. 46rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Hong Kong,China, 2017/8/27-2017/8/30. 14. 彭灿兵, 陈美霞. 阻振质量对平面弯曲波的阻抑特性分析. 第十六届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 贵阳, 2017.8:25-31 15. 陈琦, 陈美霞. 基于边界反射系数的单转角结构振动能量衰减分析. 第十六届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 贵阳, 2017.8:149-155 16. 陈美霞, 罗琦, 魏建辉. 湍流激励下简支平板振动特性的解析法研究. 船舶力学, 2016, 20(4): 487-496 17. 徐坤, 陈美霞, 谢坤. 正交各向异性功能梯度材料平板振动分析. 噪声与振动控制, 2016, 36(4) : 14-20 18. 贾文超, 陈美霞, 杨丹. 二维弹性平板绕流锁定发生机理研究, 舰船科学技术,2016,38(11): 28-33 19. 李祖荟, 陈美霞, 谢坤. 基于结构空气中模态参数的水下声振响应估算方法研究. 声学技术, 2016, 35 (5):196-200 20. Chen Meixia, Xie Kun*, Jia Wenchao, Xu Kun. Free and forced vibration of ring-stiffened conical–cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions. Ocean Engineering,2015, 108: 241-256 21. Xie Kun, Chen Meixia*, Deng Naiqi, Jia Wenchao. Free and forced vibration of submerged ring- stiffened conical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions.Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 96: 240-255 22. Chen Meixia, Xie Kun*, Xu Kun, Yu Peng.Wave Based Method for Free and Forced Vibration Analysis of Cylindrical Shells with Discontinuity in Thickness.Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137(5), 051004: 1-14. 23. 邓乃旗, 陈美霞, 谢坤, 魏建辉. 水中环肋锥柱结合壳的振动特性分析. 中国造船,2015, 01: 122-131. 24. Meixia Chen, Kun Xie, Naiqi Deng, Kun Xu. Numerical modeling and experimental determination of vibration characteristics of cylindrical shell with non-uniform stiffeners. 44rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, San Francisco,USA, 2015/8/9-2015/8/12. 25. 徐坤, 陈美霞, 谢坤. 基于回传射线矩阵法的水下夹芯结构声学特性研究. 第十五届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 郑州, 2015.8:82-91 26. 余鹏, 陈美霞, 谢坤. 基于有效独立法对圆柱壳结构声振响应预报的测点布置研究. 第十五届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集 ,郑州, 2015.8:122-129 27. 贾文超, 陈美霞. 基于双向流固耦合的平板绕流涡激振动特性研究. 第十五届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 郑州, 2015.8:274-282 28. Chen Meixia , Zhang Cong* ,Tao Xiangfan, Deng Naiqi. Structural and Acoustic Responses of a Submerged Stiffened Conical Shell. Shock and Vibration, 2014, 954253:1-14. 29. 陈美霞, 谢坤, 魏建辉. 多舱段圆柱壳振动特性研究. 振动工程学报,2014,04:555-564. 30. 陈美霞, 张聪, 邓乃旗, 魏建辉, 谢坤. 波传播法求解低频激励下水中加端板圆柱壳的振动. 振动工程学报,2014,06:842-851. 31. 陈美霞, 谢坤, 魏建辉. 带框架肋骨圆柱壳振动特性分析. raybet官网学报(自然科学版), 2014, 03: 127-132. 32. 陈美霞, 邓乃旗, 张聪, 魏建辉. 水中环肋圆锥壳振动特性分析. 振动与冲击,2014,14:25-32. 33. 丁宏, 陈美霞, 魏建辉, 谢坤. 舱段截断时边界条件的选取方法, 舰船科学技术,2014,36(2): 44-48 34. Chen M, Xie K, Wei J, Deng N. An analytical substructure method for the analysis of vibration characteristics on conical-cylindrical-spherical combined shells in vacuum . 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Melbourne,Australia, 2014/11/19-2014/11/25. 35. Xie K, Chen M, Deng N, Xu K. Wave based method for vibration and acoustic characteristics analysis of underwater cylindrical shell with bulkheads. 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Melbourne,Australia, 2014/11/19-2014/11/25. 36. Chen Meixia, Wei Jianhui*, Xie Kun, Deng Naiqi, Hou Guoxiang.Wave based method for free vibration analysis of ring stiffened cylindrical shell with intermediate large frame ribs. Shock and Vibration, 2013, 20: 459-479 37. Wei Jianhui, Chen Meixia*, Hou Guoxiang, Xie Kun, Deng Naiqi. Wave Based Method for Free Vibration Analysis of Cylindrical Shells With Non-uniform Stiffener Distribution. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2013, 135(6): 061011 38. Zhang Cong, Chen Meixia*, Tao Xiangfan, Deng Naiqi. Structural and acoustic responses of a coupled cylindrical-conical shell submerged in a heavy fluid.International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013, 49(19):69-81. 39. 陈美霞, 徐鑫彤, 魏建辉, 陶襄樊. 非均匀圆柱壳振动及声辐射特性优化设计. 船舶力学, 2013, 17 (1- 2) :164-170. 40. 李飘, 陈美霞, 罗琦. 横向增强芯材的等效弹性模量研究, 中国舰船研究, 2013,8(2): 65-72 41. 谢坤, 陈美霞, 魏建辉. 基于波动法的双层圆柱壳固有振动特性分析. 第十四届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 重庆, 2013.8:57-62 42. 叶海林, 陈美霞, 魏建辉. 基于波传播法的单、双层圆柱壳自由振动解析解. 第十四届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 重庆, 2013.8: 92-103 43. 邓乃旗, 陈美霞, 张聪. 水下截顶环肋圆锥壳的自由振动. 第十四届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 重庆, 2013.8:149-157 44. 陶襄樊, 陈美霞. 基于L1范数稀疏解的水下双层圆柱壳振动声辐射评估. 第十四届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 重庆, 2013.8:48-56 45. 张晓宇, 陈美霞, 魏建辉. 双层圆柱壳目标强度特性研究, 第十四届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 重庆, 2013.8: 419-425 46. 罗琦, 陈美霞,关姗姗. 内部声激励下单层圆柱壳声振性能的影响规律分析, 第十四届船舶水下噪声学术讨论会论文集, 重庆, 2013.8: 41-47 软件著作权: 获得3项软件著作权。 |